The warrior ascetic news
04 August 2009
Know how the verdant state of Kerala came into existence.

The warrior ascetic
Parasu (axe) rama — axe-wielding Rama — is the sixth of the ten incarnations of Vishnu (Hindu deity).  He was born to Jamadagni (a sage) and Renuka. Jamadagni possessed a celestial cow, Kamadhenu, which had the power to grant any wish.  Once, Karttaviryarjuna, a powerful Kshatriya (warrior) king, visited Jamadagni with an entourage including numerous soldiers. Jamadagni played the perfect host and provided for the needs of the king and his retinue. Karttaviryarjuna realised that Jamadagni, although living in the sparse hermitage, was in fact richer than him because he possessed Kamadhenu. He takes away the celestial cow by force. When Parasurama comes to hear of this, a big battle ensues; he kills Karttaviryarjuna and reclaims Kamadhenu. However, the sons of Karttaviryarjuna avenge their father's death by killing Jamadagni.  In retaliation, Parasurama goes on a killing spree and kills all the Kshatriyas on the earth. He donates the land gained by killing the Kshatriyas to Brahmins (priests) as an atonement for his act. Possessing no land of his own, he throws his axe into the sea and raises the tract of earth now known as Kerala for himself.

(See: Off the beaten path in Kerala / Basic info / A little about the architecture)

The warrior ascetic