UK reports rising alcohol consumption among women
01 Apr 2011
In the UK, the number of women drinking hazardous amounts of alcohol is rapidly rising, according to figures.
The proportion consuming higher than the prescribed amounts of 14 units a week has grown by 20 per cent in a decade.
Around one woman in five drinks in excess of the amount, with one in 20 consuming over 35 units a week - the equivalent of four bottles of wine.
Against this, men's drinking habits have remained unchanged over the ten years, with more than a quarter - 26 per cent - consuming more than their recommended limit of 21 units a week.
According to the Office for National Statistics, increased alcohol consumption could be contributing to additional burden on hospitals.
The ONS highlighted figures showing 18 per cent of women were now consuming over 14 units of alcohol a week, equivalent to more than seven standard glasses of wine.