Elections delayed Telstra-NBN agreement: Australian government

13 Sep 2010


According to the Australian government, the recent elections had held up the legal work for Telstra's multi-billion dollar involvement in the national broadband network.

Upset with the delay Future Fund chairman David Murray, who says his organisation is in the dark about the heads of agreement struck between NBN Co and the giant telco in June. Future Fund has a large holding in Telstra.

Murray told the Austalian Financial Review yesterday that Future Fund did not know what the terms of the agreement were.

Broadband minister Stephen Conroy says Telstra shareholders would be given the details in the coming months.

Conroy told ABC Radio, that there had been around an eight-week delay due to the election campaign and the uncertainty after.

Conroy said he hoped the telco would sign a long-form agreement ahead of its October annual general.

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