Japan’s Fujikura to acquire telecom products maker Nistica
09 Apr 2012
Japan's Fujikura Ltd, a maker of optical fibers and fiber-optic components today said that it will acquire Nistica, Inc, a supplier of wavelength selective switches to network equipment manufacturers.
The Tokyo-based company did not disclose the financial terms of the deal.
New Jersey-based Nistica is a supplier of agile optical modules that simplify, automate and make affordable the delivery of high-bandwidth applications.
Nistica operates in the agile optical networking (AON) field and provides systems providers meet with demand for high bandwidth required by mobile devices and cloud computing.
Its products include reconfigurable optical add / drop multiplexer subsystems that automate carrier networks; devices, which allow provisioning settable in 1 GHz increments for the center wavelength and bandwidth of a filter, tunable filter modules, and wavelength routers.
The company's patented FLEDGE technology platform enables edge networks to scale at healthy margins through agile optical modules.