NSA for review of telecom FDI guidelines

05 Feb 2007


New Delhi: According to reports, the National Security Advisor has convened a meeting of the cabinet, home, defence, finance and telecom secretaries along with security agencies to review the proposed guidelines for enhanced FDI limit in the telecom sector.

The group will examine the security implications and safeguards required for allowing remote access to public switched telephone network (landline telecom network).

Security agencies have expressed concern that remote access would enable foreign companies outside India to monitor voice and data traffic on the country's landline telecom network.

When the issue of hiking FDI in telecom from 49 per cent to 74 per cent was first raised, the security agencies had expressed apprehensions that allowing foreign companies to monitor traffic on the landline network could be cause of concern.

On the other hand telecom companies say that denying remote access inhibits the growth of the IT-enabled Services (ITeS) sector.

The department of telecom (DoT) had proposed that remote access could be provided from locations, which were approved by DoT.


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