Onus of authenticity of data on service providers in amended cable law
07 Jul 2012
The government has amended the Cable Television Network Rule, 1995 (Cable Rules), making it obligatory for local cable operators (LCOs) and multi-system operators (MSOs) to provide correct and timely information to the ministry of information and broadcasting on demand.
Under the Cable Television Network Rule, 1995 (Second Amendment) Rule, 2012, a new rule, namely, rule 10A - Obligation to furnish information - has been inserted, making it mandatory for MSOs and LCOs to provide information as and when sought for by the central or state governments or authorised officer or any agency of the central government.
The amended Act incorporates the obligation to furnish information as one of the terms and conditions of registration of cable operators and MSOs.
Rule 10 A of the amended Act, which makes it obligatory for service providers to obtain registration, also empowers the central government to cancel or suspend the registration of LCOs or MSOs if the information sought for is not provided by them.
This will ensure correct and timely submission of information by cable operators and MSOs, according to an official release.
The central government may suspend or revoke the registration of the LCO or the MSO if they violate one or more of the terms and conditions of registration.