Roamware prepaid local number to enhancd roaming capability

02 Dec 2005


Mumbai:Global mobile roaming service provider for cellular networks, Roamware has launched a network solution, Prepaid Local Number (PLN), to enable operators the potential to provide the missing link in roaming technologies. Its (PLN) service offers operators the capability to provide enhanced roaming and home network services to pay-as-you-go, or prepaidusers.

Although the ability to roam is the greatest advantage of GSM, today 40 per cent of the global prepaid base of 480 million users cannot roam. Additionally, 25 per cent (300 million customers) only have limited service. And while prepaid users represent 76 per cent of the total global GSM customer base, only 30 per cent of the existing global roaming customer base is prepaid.

The PLN application is a single carrier solution that enables prepaid roamers to sign up to the visited network via their mobile device and be allocated one or more local prepaid numbers. The visiting roamer can then use both the home and visited network profiles in parallel. Additionally, when the roamer is using the prepaid local number, incoming calls are provided free, giving operators value-tariff opportunities for their customers.

Existing prepaid roaming lacks the seamless service of postpaid as only a minority of operators world-wide are compliant to a protocol called 'camel' - required to provide intelligent roaming services and real-time billing for prepaid customers. The Roamware PLN allows operators retain the revenue from both international roaming subscription calls and the local subscription services (including voice, SMS and GPRS) that they provide to visiting roamers.

Announcing the launch of PLN, Mohan Gyani, CEO, Roamware, said, "Mobile users are becoming far more value sensitive, and look for services that provide increased convenience in addition to value based tariffing. Operators who do not invest in creating an environment for roamers that provides enhanced services as well as the ability for the roamer to access 'home' network services could jeopardize their roaming revenue."

Founded in 2001, Roamware is the leading and fastest-growing global roaming solutions provider, servicing more than 193 networks across 79 countries and more than 520 million mobile consumers.

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