Telecom sector appoints ombudsman for consumer complaints

13 Mar 2007


New Delhi: Burdened with increasing consumer complaints, telecom service providers have announced the setting up an Office of Ombudsman for telephone users.

Consumers will be able to directly take their complaints to the Ombudsman and the decision taken would be binding on operators. Telecom users, however, will have the option to take their grievance to any other forum like the consumer courts, in case they are not satisfied with the decision taken by the industry Ombudsman.

Industry men said the ombudsman scheme would run as a voluntary and self-regulatory industry initiative and will be funded by the industry including both private and public operators.

The office for the Telecom Sector Ombudsman (TSO) will be set up in New Delhi. The TSO would function as a private arbitrator and settlement authority and will not be a legal forum with advocates representing the parties.


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