UK to phase out menthol cigarettes by 2020
11 Mar 2017
As part of a continuing drive against smoking, menthol cigarettes are set to disappear from shelves over the next four years till a ban on them comes into effect in May 2020.
According to the charity Action on Smoking and Health (Ash), phasing out menthol cigarettes would deter younger people from smoking.
Amanda Sandford, of Ash, said, "Cigarettes are already expensive and the price increase of cigarettes is a key factor in making people quit smoking.
"So by removing the packet of ten cigarettes this means people will have to find that extra money for a packet. Paying £3 or £4 for a packet of ten cigarettes at the moment might not seem so much to people and still leave them with change in their pockets.
"But when you have to spend £6 - £7, even £9, people may think, 'Do I really need this packet?' It will hit poorer smokers harder, who are usually younger smokers.
All cigarettes and hand-rolled tobacco would be sold in plain packaging by 21 May.
Amanda added there was evidence to suggest that menthol cigarettes made it easier for people to smoke.
She said, "It is naturally hard to inhale smoke and for many the first time they smoke it is repugnant, but people persevere and that is when they become addicted.
"There is evidence that menthol cigarettes relax the airways and the flavour masks the harshness of the smoke, therefore younger people find it easier to smoke.
"However it is an absolute myth that menthol cigarettes are better for you.
"All cigarettes are harmful and menthol cigarettes are just as dangerous as normal cigarettes."
The new prohibition will cover both roll-your-own tobacco and cigarettes.
Menthol cigarettes are flavoured with menthol, a substance which triggers the cold-sensitive nerves in the skin without actually providing a drop in temperature.