Three in five Indians concerned about mobile cybercrime: Norton
21 Jul 2012
As technology evolves, so does the way we interact with others around us, with our mobile phones becoming a means of fulfilling our on-the-go, internet-dependent lifestyles, reveals a new survey by software maker Norton.
The survey, that sheds light on Indians' mobile phone usage habits, the importance of their personal information, and their level of understanding when it comes to mobile security, reveals:
Mobile phone is a necessity in our lives
Indians are no longer using their mobile phones just to stay connected, but also to fulfill necessary daily tasks and engage in leisurely activities that enhance their lifestyle.
The survey uncovered that a staggering 72 per cent of the online population in India possesses at least one mobile phone, which is on par with the number of people who own a computer (92 per cent).
While 90 per cent of respondents access the Internet via their computers, almost half of the population (48 per cent) use their phones to access the internet, highlighting the evident need for Indians to stay connected.
The top online mobile phone activities include social networking (60 per cent), reading the news (44 per cent) and online messaging (42 per cent). These activities are closely followed by mobile banking and payments (34 per cent), location-based tasks, including navigation (25 per cent); and online shopping (24 per cent).