9 Nov | 10 Nov | 11 Nov | 12 Nov | 13 Nov | 14 Nov | 15 Novnews

Tiffany no longer anniversary item
New York: First business travel was scaled back, then holiday parties. Now another perk may be falling victim to the weak US economy the Tiffany key chains and watches that many businesses give to employees to mark key anniversaries.
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'Visa, MasterCard pulled a fast one on rivals'
New York: Court documents show Visa and MasterCard actively discouraged the use of rival debit cards to push the use of their own more expensive versions, raising costs for merchants and customers, according to newspaper reports.
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US' a/c police gets cracking
Washington: A New US board set up to police corporate accountants met for the first time on Wednesday, as the drive for corporate and accounting law reform bogged down amid a rash of top-level resignations.
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U.S. economy soft, not spiraling down - Greenspan
New York: Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said on Wednesday the U.S. economy was weighed down by worry over possible war and falling stock prices but not by dangerous imbalances that tended to herald recession.
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Citi CEO told Grubman to re-examine AT&T
New York: Citigroup Inc. chief executive Sanford Weill on Wednesday said he told former analyst Jack Grubman to re-examine his rating on AT&T, but denied he requested Grubman to upgrade the stock to win banking business or support from the bank's board of directors.
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