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China GDP up 9.75 per cent
Beijing: The Chinese National Bureau of Statistics has said that its economy has grown 9.7 percent in the first three months of this year. Chinese leaders have set a growth target of 7 per cent for the year.
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US Chamber of Commerce lashes out at critics of outsourcing
Washington DC: The US Chamber of Commerce in a report to members of the Congress and the administration has pointed out the significant benefits to the US economy from foreign multinationals operating in the United States compared to the relatively small number of American jobs that are moved offshore.

The Chamber has said, "Protectionism is a poor substitute for innovation." According to the chamber, government market interference would not only stifle competition and drive up costs but in all likelihood eliminate more jobs than are ever likely to be outsourced. It has also warned that protectionism could result in violations of trade agreements, which could start a trade war. It has squarely pointed out that 'political needs' have taken over the issue.
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Manugistics and IBM in alliance
Rockville, Md.: Manugistics has announced that it has entered into an alliance with IBM to help customers optimise their demand and supply chains through a combined software, hardware, and services offering. This offering will enable the clients of the two companies to collaborate and to respond to changes throughout the demand and supply chain with the speed that today's business demands.

Under the agreement, IBM will promote Manugistics' demand and supply chain solutions worldwide across all major industries with a particular emphasis on retail, consumer packaged goods (CPG), government and high technology markets. The effort will involve IBM's Sales and Distribution, Software, Hardware and its Business Consulting Services organizations. The companies will field combined teams to develop, market, sell and deliver solutions globally.

Manugistics' solutions will leverage IBM's database and middleware offerings, including DB2 and their WebSphere application server. Manugistics' J2EE-based applications, running on IBM infrastructure, will enable customers to develop and implement collaborative demand and supply chain solutions with more flexibility and at a lower cost. In addition, the joint solutions will enable clients to take better advantage of new technologies such as radio frequency identification (RFID) and business process management to quickly respond to supply chain changes.
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AMD Q1 sales jump 73 per cent
Sunnyvale, USA: AMD has reported sales of $1.236 billion with an increase of 73 percent from the first quarter of 2003, and an increase of three percent from the fourth quarter of 2003. According to the company its flash memory and microprocessor businesses delivered solid sales results, especially in Asia Pacific and Latin America. AMD said that it continues to increase its market leadership position in the wireless handset and embedded markets on the strength of its Spansion Flash memory solutions. Adoption of its leading AMD64 platform continued to accelerate with processor unit volume shipments more than doubling quarter on quarter.

Responding to strong enterprise demand, HP and Sun Microsystems have shipped AMD's Opteron processor-based servers for the first time. AMD says that HP and Sun have joined IBM and Fujitsu-Siemens in offering AMD Opteron processor solutions for the server and workstation markets. The AMD Opteron processor has seen strong adoption in diverse vertical segments including financial services, web infrastructure, government, pharmaceutical, petrochemical and digital content creation. AMD will be initiating volume 90nm production in the second quarter and expects to deliver products in the third quarter of 2004.
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Nokia and HP to deliver 'Visual Radio'
Palo Alto, USA: HP and Nokia have announced an agreement to market the first mobile service that enables mobile phone users to receive FM radio broadcasts synchronized with interactive visuals and text on their handsets. Nokia had announced the "Visual Radio" concept in October 2003 and has now teamed with HP to bring the innovative service to market globally. Visual Radio enables users to view real-time information on the phone display while simultaneously enjoying live FM broadcasts of their favourite radio programs.

The service allows easy participation in listener competitions and promotions, and allows users to easily purchase ring tones and other digital content associated with their favourite music and artists. Visual Radio also delivers these benefits to traffic and weather reports, talk radio and sports broadcasts. Nokia is the first mobile handset maker to offer mobile phones that support the Visual Radio technology.

The company also plans to make the Visual Radio technology available to other handset manufacturers. Under the terms of the agreement, Nokia will provide and continue to develop the Visual Radio technology that it has created. HP will sell the solution to mobile operators and FM radio stations worldwide, as well as provide installation, consulting and integration support. In addition, HP will host and manage the Visual Radio service using standards-based HP platforms. Visual Radio is expected to be initially available in select countries this summer. Nokia plans to introduce new Visual Radio-enabled handsets to support the rollout of the service.
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iProspect survey confirms search engine loyalty Watertown, USA: iProspect, the search engine marketing firm has said that results from a recent survey indicate that 56.7 percent of Internet users use the same search engine or directory when they are looking for information, and another 30.5 percent of web users have a few specific search engines they use regularly. A small amount of web users, 12.8 percent, said they use a different search engine each time, depending on what they are looking for at that moment. This shows that search engine loyalty truly exists across a vast (87.2) majority of web users. The iProspect Search Engine User Attitudes survey results also revealed that specific search engines have more loyal users than others.

Looking at the loyalty rate within the top search properties, according to Market Share, Google has a loyalty rate with its users of 65.8 percent, Yahoo! has a loyalty rate of 55.2 percent, MSN has a loyalty rate of 53.7 percent and AOL nets 48.6 percent loyalty from its users. Additionally, iProspect found that 91.8 percent of respondents would modify and re-launch their search using the same search engine after being dissatisfied with the first three pages of results returned by their initial search. This figure is up significantly from the 71% figure recorded in a similar iProspect survey fielded in June, 2002. This suggests that over time users have developed even more confidence in their search engine of choice than in their own ability to create a query that will return their desired results.

Along with discovering search engine preferences among Internet users, iProspect also found that there is significant adoption of search engine tool bars. Surprisingly, 49.3 percent of respondents have at least one search tool bar installed in their browser. Looking at specific search engine tool bars, 22 percent of respondents said they had installed the Yahoo! tool bar, 19.7 percent had installed the Google tool bar, and 17.4 percent of users said they had installed the MSN toolbar into their browser. The iProspect Search Engine User Attitudes Survey was developed through a partnership between iProspect, WebSurveyor, Strategem Research and Survey Sampling International (SSI).
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American Business Awards 2004
New York: Hailed as "the business world's own Oscars" by the New York Post (September 22, 2002), the American Business Awards are the first national, all-encompassing business awards program honouring great performances in the workplace.
Nicknamed "the Stevies" for the Greek word "crowned," winners will be announced during presentations on Monday, May 10, at the Sheraton New York Hotel and Towers in New York City.

More than 800 nominations from companies of all sizes and in virtually every industry were submitted for consideration in more than 40 categories. Members of the Awards' Board of istinguished Judges and Advisors and their staffs will select Stevie winners from among the finalists. The Board includes business luminaries such as Rich Karlgaard, publisher of Forbes, Bruce Nelson, chairman and CEO of Office Depot, marketing gurus Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, Anthony Robbins, Chairman and CEO of The Anthony Robbins Companies, Drew Schutte, publisher of Wired Magazine, Jeffrey Tarr, chairman & CEO of Hoover's Inc., and Donald Trump, chairman, president and CEO of The Trump Organization.
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