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08 Jan 2001


Speaking at an interactive session on "Globalization of Indian Companies- Implementation Issues" at the CII Partnership Summit 2001, Prof. Subrahmanyam said that cultural issue and styles such as dress code, language accent, method of conduction of meetings, presentations etc could make major difference in quenching deals.

To face the challenge from the global companies, the Indian corporates must induct international managers having international perspective and exposed to the global business, Prof. Subramanyam has said.

He also has suggested that the Indian business associations have to develop information relating to research and development facilities being undertaken in India to help the NRIs solicit knowledge from a registered source and be able to forge meaningful alliances. Indian companies may also tap the professional and capital resources from the overseas Indian community, he said.

10 January 2001

CNN's Ted Turner sets up anti-nuclear body
Washington: Mr Ted Turner, founder of Cable News Network (CNN) has formed a new charitable organization, with a commitment of $250 million over the next five years, dedicated to reducing the global threat of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. The billionaire businessman-philanthropist has pledged at least $50 million a year over the next five years in funding.

Former Democratic senator Mr Sam Nunn, who will co-chair the venture with Mr Turner, has said that the new organization would be international in scope, serving as both a catalyst for action and a sponsor of pilot projects that could be replicated on a larger scale. Senator termed the effort "urgent," given the continued risk of a nuclear exchange through accident or miscalculation, compounded by "serious concerns about the security of (stockpiled) weapons and bomb-making materials."

The project was conceived out of a study by Mr Nunn and Mr Charles Curtis, a former US deputy secretary of energy, which assessed the impact a well-funded private organization could have on reducing the risk of use of weapons of mass destruction and stemming the proliferation of nuclear weapons, materials and know-how.

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