Increase in lifestyle-related cancers over past decade spotlights need for prevention
05 Jun 2018
Lifestyle-related cancers, such as lung, colorectal, and skin cancers, have increased globally over the past decade, according to the most comprehensive analysis of cancer-related health outcomes and patterns ever conducted.
- In 2016, there were 17.2 million cancer cases worldwide, an increase of 28 per centover the past decade. There were 8.9 million cancer deaths the same year.
- While cancer death rates decreased in a majority of countries from 2006 to 2016, incidence rates conversely increased.
- Breast cancer was the leading cause of cancer death in women.
- Lung cancer was the leading cause of cancer death in men; it was also the leading cause of cancer mortality globally, accounting for nearly 20 per cent of all cancer deaths in 2016.
- Prostate cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer incidence and death in men, in both high- and low-SDI countries, but especially in sub-Saharan Africa.
- Tracheal, bronchus, and lung cancer: North Korea (56.9), Kenya (4.2), global (30.2)
- Colon and rectum cancer: Netherlands (57.5), The Gambia (4.3), global (25.9)
- Breast cancer: Luxembourg (61.8), Niger (5.8), global (24.1)
- Non-melanoma skin cancer: Australia (300.4), Bangladesh (0.7), global (23.2)
- Prostate cancer: Dominica (113.1), North Korea (2.4), global (22.1)
- Stomach cancer: South Korea (44.5), Namibia (2.7), global (17.3)
- Liver cancer: Mongolia (108.4), Morocco (1.9), global (14.6)
- Other neoplasms: Malawi (39.6), Syria (2.6), global (10.9)
- Cervical cancer: Somalia (34.0), Qatar (1.1), global (7.0)
- Leukemia: New Zealand (20.3), Zambia (2.0), global (6.8)
- Non-Hodgkin lymphoma: Canada (21.2), Kyrgyzstan (1.5), global (6.7)
- Bladder cancer: Lebanon (31.1), Nigeria (1.2), global (6.7)
- Esophageal cancer: Malawi (25.2), Syria (0.7), global (6.6)
- Pancreatic cancer: Czech Republic (12.5), India (2.6), global (6.4)
- Uterine cancer: Latvia (23.1), Bangladesh (0.8), global (6.0)
- Lip and oral cavity cancer: Pakistan (22.1), Sao Tome and Principe (1.0), global (5.5)
- Kidney cancer: Latvia (20.5), Nepal (1.0), global (5.0)
- Brain and nervous system cancer: Iceland (20.8), Namibia (1.4), global (4.6)
- Malignant skin melanoma: Australia (55.6), Nepal (0.2), global (4.1)
- Ovarian cancer: Estonia (9.3), Niger (1.2), global (3.6)
- Thyroid cancer: Iceland (18.7), Ghana (0.2), global (3.3)
- Gallbladder and biliary tract cancer: Chile (11.5), Uzbekistan (0.6), global (2.8)
- Larynx cancer: Cuba (8.8), The Gambia (0.6), global (2.7)
- Other pharynx cancer: Hungary (7.3), Palestine (0.2), global (2.4)
- Multiple myeloma: Barbados (6.3), Tajikistan (0.4), global (2.1)
- Nasopharynx cancer: Malaysia (5.1), Mali (0.1), global (1.3)
- Hodgkin lymphoma: Greece (5.3), Syria (0.1), global (1.0)
- Testicular cancer: Chile (6.4), Mozambique (0.04), global (0.9)
- Mesothelioma: United Kingdom (2.9), Palestine (0.1), global (0.5)
- Tracheal, bronchus, and lung cancer: North Korea (61.7), Egypt (4.8), global (25.8)
- Colon and rectum cancer: Hungary (31.3), Sri Lanka (5.0), global (12.8)
- Stomach cancer: Mongolia (44.0), Maldives (3.2), global (12.6)
- Liver cancer: Mongolia (114.7), Morocco (2.0), global (12.1)
- Breast cancer: Tonga (24.7), Oman (4.0), global (7.9)
- Other neoplasms: Malawi (37.6), Syria (2.6), global (6.4)
- Esophageal cancer: Malawi (32.4), Syria (0.8), global (6.2)
- Pancreatic cancer: Uruguay (12.8), Bangladesh (2.5), global (6.2)
- Prostate cancer: Dominica (54.9), North Korea (1.9), global (6.1)
- Leukemia: Syria (15.3), Bangladesh (1.9), global (4.6)
- Non-Hodgkin lymphoma: Grenada (11.0), Kyrgyzstan (1.4), global (3.6)
- Cervical cancer: Zimbabwe (28.7), Syria (0.6), global (3.5)
- Brain and nervous system cancer: Palestine (8.3), Japan (1.2), global (3.2)
- Bladder cancer: Malawi (11.8), Albania (0.9), global (2.9)
- Lip oral cavity cancer: Kiribati (14.6), Syria (0.6), global (2.6)
- Gallbladder and biliary tract cancer: Chile (11.3), Uzbekistan (0.6), global (2.5)
- Ovarian cancer: Lithuania (5.9), United Arab Emirates (0.9), global (2.4)
- Kidney cancer: Czech Republic (7.1), Bangladesh (0.5), global (2.0)
- Other pharynx cancer: India (6.1), Syria (0.2), global (1.7)
- Larynx cancer: Cuba (5.3), Japan (0.4), global (1.6)
- Multiple myeloma: Dominica (5.9), Tajikistan (0.4), global (1.5)
- Uterine cancer: Grenada (5.4), Maldives (0.5), global (1.3)
- Malignant skin melanoma: New Zealand (6.6), Bangladesh (0.2), global (0.9)
- Nasopharynx cancer: Malaysia (3.7), Chile (0.1), global (0.9)
- Non-melanoma skin cancer: Zimbabwe (4.5), Bangladesh (0.2) global (0.8)
- Thyroid cancer: Zimbabwe (2.3), Syria (0.2), global (0.6)
- Mesothelioma: United Kingdom (2.6), Palestine (0.1), global (0.5)
- Hodgkin lymphoma: Afghanistan (2.2), Japan (0.1), global (0.4)
- Testicular cancer: Kiribati (1.0), Maldives (0.02), global (0.1)
- Australia (743.8)
- New Zealand (542.8)
- United States (532.9)
- Netherlands (477.3)
- Luxembourg (455.4)
- Iceland (455.0)
- Norway (446.1)
- United Kingdom (438.6)
- Ireland (429.7)
- Denmark (421.7)
- Syria (85.0)
- Bhutan (86.0)
- Algeria (86.7)
- Nepal (90.7)
- Oman (94.9)
- Maldives (101.3)
- Sri Lanka (101.6)
- Niger (102.3)
- Timor-Leste (105.9)
- India (106.6)
- Mongolia (272.1)
- Zimbabwe (245.8)
- Dominica (203.1)
- Hungary (202.7)
- Grenada (201.0)
- Uruguay (190.6)
- Tonga (189.7)
- North Korea (188.7)
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (183.1)
- Croatia (180.2)
- Syria (67.4)
- Algeria (67.5)
- Oman (69.2)
- Maldives (72.0)
- Sri Lanka (74.7)
- Bhutan (78.6)
- Uzbekistan (80.6)
- Nicaragua (80.9)
- Morocco (81.0)
- Qatar (81.6)