Man loses teeth, suffers second degree burns after vape pen explodes in his face
19 Jan 2017
An Idaho man lost teeth and suffered second degree burns to his cheek after his vape pen exploded in his face.
When the device exploded, Andrew Hall was getting ready for work at home in Pocatello, Idaho.
The explosion knocked out his teeth and burned face and neck leaving smoke marks to the wall of his bathroom, where he was at the time.
Sharing photographs of his injuries from the intensive care unit of a hospital, the 30-year-old car salesman warned other smokers how dangerous the electronic cigarettes could be.
"Yesterday morning I was getting ready for work when I had something happen to me that I didn't expect possible.
"I Vape (I know, terrible and uncool) but I no longer do and I hope to possibly sway those that do to maybe reevaluate or find other methods of smoking.
"I've been doing this for about a year now and assure you I did not do anything I wasn't supposed to (battery was in right, always had the shop put it together when I first bought it and add things and maintenance it the right way while taking their advice) but it exploded in my face.
"I've lost at least 7 teeth, 2nd degree burns to face and neck and have been pulling chunks of plastic, teeth and foreign objects from mouth, throat and lips," he told Facebook friends.
Hall posted graphic photos and wrote about his experience on his Facebook page Sunday and as of Wednesday morning, the post had been shared nearly 450,000 times.