DRDO’s development of AEW&CS system to result in low-cost offshoot

30 Jul 2009

Bangalore: The Centre for Airborne Systems (CABS) at Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has revealed that it has developed a low-cost, indigenous radar system, which will match and even surpass the Israeli Phalcon Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS).

''DRDO is equipped to develop an indigenous radar system at substantially low-cost by using technologies developed for indigenous AEW&CS,'' said a CABS official.

CABS AEW&CS Embraer-145 configuration: (Copyright image: domain-b)

An indigenous airborne early warning and control system (AEW&CS), to be based on Embraer-145 platforms, is being readied for delivery by 2011. The system will be developed at a cost of Rs 1,800-crore.

This CABS- developed indigenous system alone is capable of creating business opportunities worth Rs500-600 crore for SMEs in the country. CABS officials said its various work centres at DRDO are already tapping around 50-60 SMEs and PSUs to develop the indigenous system.

Some of these SMEs include Astra Microwave, Alligator Designs, Mistral Solutions, CMC, BEL, BDL, Chaturvedi Tools, SM Creative, Cornett, Data Patterns and Ayur.