Cadbury warns of `milk!' in its `Dairy Milk' chocolate

12 Jan 2009

British chocolate giant Cadbury has gone to the absurd warning consumers of its famous chocolate bars that they ''contain milk!'' Apparently, Cadbury has stretched a mandatory health warning for those who are allergic to milk a bit too far.

Considering that the name itself is milk chocolate and the wrappers display milk being poured from a glass into a chocolate chunk, the waring "CONTAINS: MILK" in bold letters is putting things too lightly or being self assertive.

The warning is in addition to the message that each chocolate bar contains: ''The equivalent of three quarters of a pint of fresh liquid milk in every half pound of milk chocolate''.

Cadbury, however, says it is necessary to print warnings in capital letters and the company is only complying with the law.

It is clear that Cadbury is going beyond legal requirements. The law merely seeks a warning over milk allergy and Cadbury has twisted the warning to its own convenience.

Warning of milk allergy may be disadvantageous to its marketing push while a simple display saying the chocolate contains milk would rather push sales.

Cadbury is also warning consumers of its 'Dairy Milk Whole Nut', saying it ''Contains: Nuts, milk".

Earlier, supermarket chain Tesco had used similar labels on milk cartons saying they contained milk, and also warned that bags of assorted nuts contained nuts.