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IBM identifies six global megatrends reshaping governments and societies

13 Jun 2008

Governments and the communities they serve around the globe are being reshaped by six simultaneous and inescapable forces, which present both opportunities and threats that will require individualised strategies to effectively manage. The study, titled, Government 2020 and the Perpetual Collaboration Mandate, calls attention to the growing global impact of rapid changes in demographics, globalisation, environmental concerns, societal relationships, social stability and the expanding impact of technology.

The influence of these six trends will vary in urgency for each country, though the report finds that a government's response to the positive and negative effects of each will greatly influence the prosperity of its citizens. Its findings also suggest that virtual organisations, in which geographically dispersed constituents can collaborate seamlessly, will play a key role.

The report outlines numerous examples and the critical success factors that influence how well a government can innovate to meet the challenges ahead, including:

  • Proactive and committed senior leadership
  • Citizen-centric, outcome-based objectives
  • Effective governance models, including intra-, inter-, and extra- organizational perspectives
  • Focused, deliberate use of innovation, integration and collaboration
  • A dynamic and integrated infrastructure
  • Continuing assessment as an ongoing, high-priority role of government and
  • Governments leading by example

"We are looking at a world in the midst of significant transition, where governments have the opportunity to work together more effectively, and engage their citizens and allies in the implementation of bigger goals for society," said Gerry Mooney, general manager, IBM global government. "Looking ahead to 2020, we found that the idea of virtual organizations will increasingly shift from being a concept to becoming the way successful governments function."

Research results identified a recurring theme of 'perpetual collaboration' as a core capability governments will need to prosper and best serve citizens over the next 12 years. To achieve it, IBM recommends four key approaches for government organizations:

  • Public and private collaboration: Form new alliances and models of interaction, such as global collaborative ventures, to keep pace with changes in global society
  • Personalised interaction and services: Implement technologies that enable governments to provide convenience, increased efficiency, security and privacy in delivering services ranging from healthcare to social services
  • Knowledge creation and sharing: stimulate product and service innovation through interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research, coupled with new models of knowledge sharing that can transcend multigenerations in the workplace
  • Value to constituencies: Engage constituents to raise awareness and buy into new approaches to governmental services, including services on-demand, that can provide greater value to citizens.

"Across the globe, many political leaders understand they have a choice: they can be passive and let change dictate the way their nations will adjust, or they can embrace the changes with effective strategies to improve the lives of their citizens, protect their interests and grow their profiles internationally," added Mooney.

The report was published by the IBM Institute for Business Value, an internal 'think tank' which focuses on business, government and societal issues. Interviews and working sessions were conducted with public sector leaders representing Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Germany, India, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States, to assess the major drivers affecting governments today and how these issues will manifest themselves in the future. Analysis of these discussions, secondary research, and the findings from more than two dozen IBM government-related studies formed the foundation for "Governments 2020 and the Perpetual Collaboration Mandate."