Intel Atom processor to provide a low-cost phone

11 Jun 2009

For most of the sailors calling home is like spending $2.25 per minute on a satellite phone. This works out to be expensive for them and others who use this facility. Now Intel is providing Atom Z5xx-based communications system to the ships to enable the crew to more easily communicate with people on shore at less costs.

Atom processor Z5xx and System Controller Hub US15WMounted on the outside of the ship, and designed to withstand extreme temperatures, the Intel Atom processor-based system will connect with the best available and most cost-effective networks like 3G, satellite or wi-fi. The application uses embedded internet.

The Atom is Intel's smallest built processor that utilises world's smallest and most energy-efficient transistors.

The Atom processor has helped Intel foray into new market segments, embedded into products like the automotive in-vehicle infotainment, automation and control, and media phones. Other applications include 2-D and 3-D graphics, video acceleration, and multiple operating systems for the Windows and Linux platforms.

The processor plays a role in the new internet-based communication devices called 'media phones' that work over internet protocol with access to applications like e-mail, sms, weather related information, YouTube, and photo albums.

Intel vice president Doug Davis cites the IDC prediction of 15 billion intelligent, connected devices by the year 2015. Newer and even more visionary embedded applications are yet to come. Their implications will be vast ? for the industry and for people at large.