Intel to launch Collaborative Cancer Cloud to fight cancer

24 Aug 2015

A diagnosis of cancer is the most dreaded in the world, millions of people around the world hear every year.

Intel has now stepped up to the meet the cancer challenge with an ambitious tech project known as Collaborative Cancer Cloud.

Precision medicine aims to provide a more indivdualised or tailored treatment using the person's genome to understand the nature of the disease and provide a much better outcome than other mainstream therapies.

Hundreds of doctors, researchers and members of the medical field would collaborate on the solution and share genetic data in a secure setting. And since the information would be available in the cloud, it would be accessible anytime and anywhere.

With the accumulation of data it was now possible for health care practitioners to find a targeted solution for a specific type of cancer within 24 hours, which Intel hoped to achieve in 2020.

Starting with the project, Intel would partner with Oregon Health and Science University through Knight Cancer Institute.

Collaborative Cancer Cloud, can speed up answers to possibly just days or even hours from the current time it tool which could go from a week to months.

According to Dishman, it would enable large amounts of data from sites all around the world to be analysed in a distributed way, while preserving the privacy and security of that patient data at each site.

With Collaborative Cancer Cloud, doctors would be able to help patients by using their genome to provide diagnosis and come up with a targeted treatment plan.

The multi-year collaboration envisions that by 2020 the process of diagnosis and treatment planning would take only one day.

In December 2014 Intel had demonstrated a new communications platform developed along with Professor Stephen Hawking  to replace his decades-old system, dramatically improving his ability to communicate with the world. (See: New Intel-created system helps Professor Stephen Hawking communicate better).