Phishing site uncovered on Sony server

20 May 2011

 Security researchers have uncovered a phishing site running on Sony's servers.

According to anti-intrusion software maker F-Secure, a fraudulent site running off the domain is targeting an Italian credit card company.

The incident comes as another hacking of Sony property, in this case its Thai website. 

Though the incident is not a patch on the serious PlayStation Network hack of last month which exposed the personal details of 77 million gamers (See: PlayStation data breach may put Sony in a spot), experts say it still reflects poorly on the company especially after Sony went to great pains to reassure everyone that it was tightening up security across the board after the PSN hack and another problem involving its online store.

In a related development, phishing emails meant to con gamers into handing over their PSN login credentials to bogus sites have started appearing.

Warning against this type of mischief Sony has advised users that it would not be contacting them via email and also not be asking them for social security or credit card information via email.