Twitter turns 8, lets users see their first tweet

21 Mar 2014

On its sighth anniversary, micro blogging site Twitter has launched a tool to help people trace their very first tweet.

Using the site, users can enter their Twitter username to pull up their first tweet in an instant. But users need not be limited to their own tweets and can try other usernames as well.

Also users can also retweet their first tweet from the site.

UK prime minister David Cameron and US president Barack Obama both regulars on Twitter have often used then site to make major announcements - including that of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's engagement in 2010.

The first tweet, quite expectedly was sent by site's founder, Jack Dorsey, and read ''just setting up my twttr''. The number of tweets since then has crossed the figure of 300 billion while the daily tally is 500 million.

Buoyed by the success of Twitter the company launched a companion video service in 2013, with the release of  Vine, app that allows users to post six-second videos to the web.