VSNL previews retail WiMax at BangaloreIT 2007

29 Oct 2007

Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd (VSNL) is previewing its wireless broadband service at the four-day ''BangaloreIT in 2007'', being hosted by the department of IT and the government of Karnataka.

The event which commenced today will be the firs opportunity for retail customers to experience VSNL''s next generation internet access and understand the unique range of services that it has lined up. The international long distance carrier was the first company to commercially roll out WiMax in India for enterprise customers in Bangalore in May 2007.

Over the next two months, it plans the commercial rollout of WiMax services in Bangalore to retail customers as well.

"The four-day seminar-cum-exhibition at the BangaloreIT. in 2007 will be a platform to showcase our WiMax service and its unique value added services and to engage with potential customers and channel partners" says Prateek Pashine, vice president, planning, VSNL.

WiMAX enables wireless infrastructure deployment in a cost effective, decentralized and effective manner in places like India where the entire country is not covered by wireline infrastructure. In the future, WiMax will also allow for Mobile Internet access at much higher speeds than what is experienced at present.