G-20: Commerce minister calls for labour mobility

20 Apr 2012

Addressing the G-20 meeting, minister of commerce, industry and textiles Anand Sharma has warned against 'Closed Club' agreement on services as the Doha round has recognised the centrality of the development agenda.

''Only such a narrative will have global resonance and global appeal. We must strive to create a level playing field before we ask all to compete as equals. There is a need to fulfill the promises made in the past, implement decisions taken over years and remain faithful to the mandate of the Doha Development Round. Only then, I believe, will emerge a new narrative on trade - that would position trade as a function of economic growth and not the other way round,'' the minister said while intervening at the session on "understanding global value chains: towards a new trade narrative".

Sharma also warned against any attempt to selectively open up certain services sectors or to negotiate a 'closed club' agreement.

''This would not only upset the delicate balance of the Doha Round but would also undermine the WTO,'' he said.

Plurilateral agreements within the framework of a multilateral agreement such as the WTO are inherently discriminatory as the benefits of this agreement will not be 'MFNised' to other WTO member countries but will be restricted to the participating countries only, he said.

''At the WTO every outcome of the negotiations on trade facilitation and services or for that matter NAMA and agriculture represents a thoroughly negotiated trade-off. A selective approach that cherry picks a few items, from even within a specific area for expedited decisions is bound to not only upset the balance but may also result in jeopardising the entire negotiating process,'' he said.