Outrage as trophy hunter bags UK’s biggest animal

28 Oct 2010

The killing of a giant red stag, thought to be Britain's biggest wild animal, for its antlers on Tuesday, has provoked outrage in the country.

It is said the stag, which stood nine feet (2.75 metres) to the tips of its antlers, was killed legally by a licensed hunter.

The body of the "Exmoor Emperor," named after the south-western area where the stag was frequently sighted, was found close to a road in the county of Devon.

The killing has been met with condemnation from deer- and animal-lovers who say hunting should be banned in the mating season.

Though the identity of the hunter who felled the stag is not known, it is believed to be the handiwork of one among an increasing number of wealthy sportsmen who are flooding the area in search of a trophy.

According to Exmoor deer expert Peter Donnelly there are people who are prepared to spend quite ridiculous sums of money to have a trophy on their wall. He added that though people quote £1,000 for a good head, he had heard there were those who would pay a lot more.