
Summer interiors

Summer interiors

By Supriya Sanzagiri | 21 May 2011

Dress up your home with colourful accessories and paints to match the summer colours outside and brighten your interiors and your mood, says Supriya Sanzagiri 

How to make small look big

How to make small look big

By Supriya Sanzagiri | 04 Jun 2010

Supriya Sanzagiri gives some handy, cost-effective tips to create more space in our  space-starved city lives

Can’t buy it? Rent it!

Can’t buy it? Rent it!

By Sheetal Gaikwad | 24 Dec 2009

Rasana Bharadwaj has brought the time-tested business philosphy of “Can’t buy it? Rent it,” to the world of original art, says Sheetal Gaikwad.

Small office, home office

Small office, home office

By Akhila Thyli Hemanth | 16 Jul 2009

Akhila Thyli Hemanth helps you create a trendy office at home and enhance your overall working experience

Ishanya launches design services

07 Jul 2009

The elegant simplicity of a name plate

The elegant simplicity of a name plate

By Mary Thomas | 17 Apr 2009

A unique designer name plate in wood, glass or stone reveals more than your name says Mary Thomas

Soft furnishings - make the right choice

Soft furnishings - make the right choice

By Aruna Rathod | 20 Feb 2009

Infuse a new look into your living room by just changing the soft furnishing. Aruna Rathod helps you choose the right fabric.

Warli for your walls

Warli for your walls

By Mary Thomas | 20 Feb 2009

Impressed by the Warlis and their way of life, Mary Thomas helps you imbibe techniques of how to embellish your walls with the art of the Warli

Creative expression

Creative expression

By Aruna Rathod | 13 Feb 2009

Creative director K V Sridhar's home in Mumbai is the ultimate expression of his creativity. Aruna Rathod understands the planning and design of the spacious flat.

No Kidding!

No Kidding!

By Gargi Chakravarty | 13 Feb 2009

Décor for a child's room should always be in sync with the age, persona and taste of the  child, says Gargi Chakravarty. Read on to gather ideas for designing a child's room.

From Mundane to Modular

From Mundane to Modular

By Sheetal Gaikwad | 06 Feb 2009

A true revolution, modular kitchens have triggered the consciousness that even kitchens can have a style statement. Sheetal Gaikwad tells you how.

Conversations around a coffee table

Conversations around a coffee table

By Akhila Thyli Hemanth | 13 Jan 2009

A coffee table is a versatile piece of furniture that can enhance any kind of décor says Akhila Thyli Hemanth

Budget decorating

Budget decorating

By Akhila Thyli Hemanth | 22 Dec 2008

Akhila Thyli Hemanth lists guidelines to help you transform your home, regardless of the budget