Modi wants PM to direct MoEF to withdraw SSP review committee order

05 May 2010

Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi, in a letter to prime minister Dr Manmohan Singh, has requested that the ministry of environment and forests be directed by him to withdraw its order for the formation of a committee to review the environmental steps taken under Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP).

In the letter, which he handed over to the prime minister on Monday evening, Modi contends that the decision of the ministry is not in accordance with the current provisions of the Narmada Yojana and the Supreme Court order of 20 October 2000.

According to the letter, after overcoming legal disputes and many hurdles, the project has been able to set many benchmarks with the government of India's positive stand. He claimed that in the 48th meeting of the environmental sub-group of Narmada Control Authority, presided over by secretary (ministry of environment and forests), the height of Sardar Sarovar Dam was fixed at 138 metre.

According to Modi the newly-formed committee might review earlier decisions of central bodies complicating the matter with adverse impact on the project. He added the Narmada Control Authority was capable of taking necessary steps related to the project and an independent body was not needed.

He also sought Rs39,240 crore  for the Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP) as per the approval of the technical advisory committee of the union ministry of water resources on 11 March  2010. He added the clearance was required to avail financial assistance under the 'accelerated irrigation benefit projects scheme' (AIBP) and centrally-sponsored area development programme for early completion of the project.

He has pointed out that the construction of the central main canal up to 458km had been completed in 2008 with over 2.2 crore people benefiting from the supply of potable water due to the project. He added that it was imperative that the project was completed at the earliest to secure maximum benefits from it and all impediments in the implementation should be removed.