National Grid warns UK gas supplies could run out due to freezing cold weather conditions

01 Mar 2018

The National Grid has issued a ''gas deficit warning'' over dwindling supplies as temperatures plummet across the country.

The guidance was issued by the operator of the UK's power network at 5am today as supply fell short by 48 million cubic metres of demand.

According to a spokesperson the notice was a  ''first stage'' warning to say ''it's looking tight'', which will remain in place until 5am tomorrow.

The operator went on to ask industrial customers to use less gas in a bid to add to the supply. The latest forecast puts the shortfall at 50 million cubic metres.

''National gas demand today is high and due to the extreme weather conditions, there have been gas supply losses overnight,'' the operator said in a statement. ''At 5.45am this morning we issued a 'Gas Deficit Warning' to the market.

''This is an indication to the market that we'd like more gas to be made available to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the national gas network. We are in communication with industry partners and are closely monitoring the situation.''

The warning comes temperatures turn frigid and heavy snowfall grips the UK ahead of Storm Emma.

Schools in the UK remained closed today as the UK braced for another day of sub-zero temperatures and ''blizzard-like'' conditions.

''We are in communication with industry partners and are closely monitoring the situation,'' National Grid said.

According to public health authorities an indoor temperature of 18C needs to be maintained. The frigid conditions have spiked gas demand up to a five-year high, according to market watchers S&P Global Platts.

Simon Wood, a gas analyst at Platts, said, ''There's a strong chance you'll see some interruptions for industrial users to balance the system.''

According to commentators, big energy users such as car manufacturers have supply contracts which can be interrupted in return for lower prices.