Technology - general
Genencor, Goodyear in research collaboration
16 Sep 2008
Google invests $10.25 million in geothermal energy technology
20 Aug 2008
Search engine leader Google is investing $10.25 million in a new technology to harness geothermal energy from deep within the bowels of the earth
Researchers closing in on developing a digital eye
07 Aug 2008
US researchers have developed an eye-shaped camera that could lead tio the development of an artificial retina that could, one day, even be connected to the brain
MIT opens new 'window' on solar energy
11 Jul 2008
MIT engineers report a new approach to harnessing the sun's energy that allow windows to use sunlight to help power the building they are part of By Elizabeth A. Thomson
Kapil Sibal inaugurates ice station Himadari in the Arctic
02 Jul 2008
With ice station Himadari in the Arctic, India becomes the 10th country to set up a full fledged research station in the region.