Technology - general
New technique could make captured carbon more valuable
15 Dec 2017
Scientists developed an efficient process for turning captured carbon dioxide into syngas, a mixture of H2 and CO that can be used to make fuels and chemicals
Engineers create plants that glow
14 Dec 2017
Seeing through walls of unknown materials
11 Dec 2017
Revising the story of the dispersal of modern humans across Eurasia
08 Dec 2017
Technological advances and multidisciplinary research teams are reshaping our understanding of when and how humans left Africa -- and who they met along the way
Want to listen better? Lend a right ear
06 Dec 2017
Researchers generate electricity from low-cost biomaterial
05 Dec 2017
Scientists at UL's Bernal Institute have discovered that the biomolecule glycine, when tapped or squeezed, can generate enough electricity to power electrical devices in an economically viable and environmentally sustainable way