Technology - general
New solar power material converts 90% of captured light into heat
03 Nov 2014
One of the technology’s attractions is that it can be used to retrofit existing power plants that use coal or fossil fuels because it uses the same process to generate electricity from steam
Getting US patent becoming more difficult: study
01 Nov 2014
Synchrotron upgrade to make X-rays even brighter
01 Nov 2014
When cancer meets fashion
31 Oct 2014
‘Endless possibilities’ for bio-nanotechnology
30 Oct 2014
New 'smart' material improves removal of arsenic from drinking water
28 Oct 2014
Scientists have created a new material that can remove double the amount of arsenic from water than the leading material for water treatment
Beating battery drain
28 Oct 2014
Google teams up with Oxford University to research AI
24 Oct 2014
Following its acquisition of the secretive AI firm DeepMind, Google has allied with Oxford University to research artificial intelligence
Angling chromium to let oxygen through
22 Oct 2014
A new semiconducting material works at temperatures low enough to improve fuel-cell efficiency
Could technology transform GP consultations
21 Oct 2014
Identifying long-distance threats – new 3D technology could improve CCTV images
21 Oct 2014
Researchers are developing 3D imaging technology to make it easier to identify suspicious objects from a long way off