BA steps into all-business class sector with OpenSkies

31 Jul 2008


British Airways' (BA) subsidiary, OpenSkies, has stepped in to fill the gap left by the closure of all-business class airlines such as Silverjet, and announced the removal of all economy-class seats on its aircraft.

The changes will come into effect from 1 October on the airline's Paris-New York (JFK) route.

The carrier currently features 28 seats in premium economy, 24 in business class and five rows of seats in economy class. The economy class seats will now make way for 12 additional premium economy (PREM+) seats. BA officials said that since launch, the premium economy service had received a tremendous reception.

Officials aid that the same seating configuration would also be deployed on the carrier's Amsterdam-New York service, which launches on 15 October.

BA officials expressed confidence about their foray intro the business-class only service, despite the sad end of similar services, such as those of Silverjet, Maxjet and Eos. They pointed out that these  airlines were stand-alone companies, whereas BA had an existing infrastructure that would be able to withstand shocks.

BA will announce full details of its London City – New York service sometime next week.

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