Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) on Friday successfully launched the second developmental flight of its Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV-D2) launching EOS-07, Janus-1 and AzaadiSAT-2 satellites into 450 km circular orbit, in its 15 minutes flight.

SSLV-D2, a 34 metre tall, 2 metre diameter vehicle having a lift-off mass of 120 tonne lift-off mass, lifted off from the first launch pad at SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota at 09:18 hours IST on 10 February with the three satellites and completed the mission in the scheduled 15 minutes.
EOS-07 is 156.3 kg satellite designed, developed and realised by ISRO. New experiments include mm-Wave Humidity Sounder and Spectrum Monitoring Payload. Janus-1, a 10.2 kg satellite belongs to ANTARIS, USA. A 8.7 kg satellite AzaadiSAT-2 is a combined effort of about 750 girl students across India guided by Space Kidz India, Chennai.
SSLV caters to the launch of up to 500 kg satellites to Low Earth Orbits on ‘launch-on-demand’ basis. It provides low-cost access to Space, offers low turn-around time and flexibility in accommodating multiple satellites, and demands minimal launch infrastructure. It is configured with three solid propulsion stages and a velocity terminal module.
SSLV is the new small satellite launch vehicle developed by Isro to cater to the launch of small satellites up to 500 kg to Low Earth Orbits on ‘launch-on-demand’ basis. It is configured with three solid stages 87 tonne, 7.7 ttonne and 4.5 tonne, respectively. SSLV is a 34 metre tall, 2 metre diameter vehicle having a lift-off mass of 120 tonnes. A liquid propulsion-based Velocity Trimming Module (VTM) achieves desired velocity for the insertion of the satellites into the intended orbit. SSLV is capable of launching mini, micro, or nanosatellites (10 to 500 kg mass) to a 500 km orbit. It provides low-cost access to Space, offers low turn-around time, facilitates flexibility in accommodating multiple satellites and demands minimal launch infrastructure.
In its first developmental flight on 7 August 2022, SSLV-D1 had marginally missed to place the satellites. SSLV-D2 implemented the recommendations made by the expert committee that analysed the shortcomings of SSLV-D1 flight.
With today’s successful launch Isro has got a new launch vehicle, which aims at commercialising the small satellite launches through industry on demand basis. Isro looks forward for catering to the increasing global need of launching smaller satellites into space.