Centre orders probe into alleged misappropriation of Rs900-cr funds in Arunachal Pradesh

26 May 2015


The centre has ordered a probe into the allegations of embezzlement, misappropriation and corruption in the siphoning of government funds of over Rs900 crore involving various centrally-sponsored schemes in Arunachal Pradesh.

The funds are from the non-lapsable central pool of resources (NLCPR) and the North-Eastern Council (NEC), union minister of state (independent charge) of the ministry of development of North Eastern Region (DoNER) and minister of state in the prime minister's office and ministry of personnel, public grievances and pensions, atomic energy and space, Dr Jitendra Singh said.

The minister said the decision was taken in response to a representation submitted by 11 MLAs from Arunachal Pradesh who alleged that the state government of Arunachal Pradesh was responsible for misuse and misappropriation of government of India funds released against projects sanctioned during 2011-12 to 2014-15.

Secretary, ministry of development of North-Eastern Region has been asked to immediately collect all the relevant information related to these projects and institute an inquiry into the status and progress of these projects.

The centre will decide on the further course of action after compilation of the details and examination of the issues raised by the MLAs.

Comments may also be sought from the state government before proceeding with the probe.

The complaint submitted by opposition MLAs allege that the present state government had grossly misused and siphoned central funds due to which a majority of projects have not been completed and are behind schedule.

They further allege that the funds had been whimsically diverted and used under Non-Plan heads, as a result of which the state government was unable to furnish 'Utilisation Certificates' against the funds released under the scheme.

The MLAs have sought special audit and inquiry into misuse of central government funds so as to fix accountability.

Jitendra Singh noted that the state government had failed to release the matching state's share either in full or in part as a result of which as many as 15 projects are running behind schedule and utilisation certificates were pending in 20 cases.

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