Government policies

India, Iran settle payment mechanism for bilateral trade

07 Oct 2011

India's draft electronics policy sets $400 billion annual turnover by 2020

India's draft electronics policy sets $400 billion annual turnover by 2020

03 Oct 2011

The government envisages investments to the tune of $100 billion and generation of around 28 million new jobs in the sector by 2020.

India asks for right to reprocess imported spent nuclear fuel

01 Oct 2011

US presses India hard on n-liability law

01 Oct 2011

Government announces national plan for spectrum allocation

30 Sep 2011

US uses IAEA wedge to get India to retract on nuclear liability bill

29 Sep 2011

US asks India to modify civil nuclear liability regime

28 Sep 2011

National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council Reconstituted

26 Sep 2011

No permanent structures, but continue “all works” on Kishenganga: ICA to India

26 Sep 2011

2G scam: Finance ministry note says Chidambaram failed to press auction sale

2G scam: Finance ministry note says Chidambaram failed to press auction sale

21 Sep 2011

Chidambaram and Raja had four meetings on the issue of fixing spectrum price before the two had their final meeting with the prime minister, according to Subramanian Swamy.

2G scam: Supreme court expresses surprise over TRAI's zero loss claim

21 Sep 2011

Government directs UIDIA to seek direct transfer of subsidies

21 Sep 2011

Nitish Kumar sidelines ‘babus’, looks to professionals

15 Sep 2011

Government panel suggests fast-tracking of corruption cases

Government panel suggests fast-tracking of corruption cases

14 Sep 2011

The government will also come out with an all-encompassing `Public Procurement Bill' in Parliament by the end of the current year.

PM again harps on boosting internal security, intelligence output

10 Sep 2011

States oppose `castiest' communal violence bill

10 Sep 2011

Peak tariff rates to be 8% for imports from Pakistan by January 2012

08 Sep 2011

All 2G scam accused seek cover of TRAI report

All 2G scam accused seek cover of TRAI report

06 Sep 2011

The fact remains that the entire allocation process was flawed and that the out-of-turn allocation of licences and spectrum was intended to benefit select companies.

Cabinet approves Land Acquisition Bill

Cabinet approves Land Acquisition Bill

05 Sep 2011

The bill proposes to ban acquisition of multi-cropped, irrigated land for public purposes even as the government will stop acquiring land for private companies for private purposes.

Parliament passes SBI subsidiary banks bill

05 Sep 2011

Biotech companies line up over 100 GM crops for field trials in India

05 Sep 2011

Government to sell 10 per cent paid-up equity of RINL through IPO

03 Sep 2011

Government targets Team Anna, claims Rs9-lakh dues from Kejriwal

02 Sep 2011

Rangarajan panel suggests recast of budget accounting

Rangarajan panel suggests recast of budget accounting

02 Sep 2011

The panel's recommendations, if implemented, would reduce the role of the Planning Commission and make finance ministry the nodal agency for formulating the budget.

Cabinet dumps draft Sports Bill

Cabinet dumps draft Sports Bill

30 Aug 2011

The union cabinet decided against moving the bill that sought to bring transparency and accountability in the functioning of national sports bodies.

Business History Videos

History of hovercraft Part 3...

Today I shall talk a bit more about the military plans for ...

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History of hovercraft Part 2...

In this episode of our history of hovercraft, we shall exam...

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History of Hovercraft Part 1...

If you’ve been a James Bond movie fan, you may recall seein...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Trams in India | ...

The video I am presenting to you is based on a script writt...

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