
UK prime minister Theresa May unveils Environmental Plan in speech in west London

13 Jan 2018

Worldwide importance of honey bees for natural habitats captured in new report

Worldwide importance of honey bees for natural habitats captured in new report

13 Jan 2018

An unprecedented study integrating data from around the globe has shown that honey bees are the world's most important single species of pollinator in natural ecosystems and a key contributor to natural ecosystem functions

Earthquakes as a driver for the deep-ocean carbon cycle

12 Jan 2018

Trump hints US could return to Paris climate accord

11 Jan 2018

Why did the passenger pigeon die out?

Why did the passenger pigeon die out?

11 Jan 2018

The last passenger pigeon died in the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914. Reseach shows that humans caused the extinction of the species, by indiscriminate hunting and denuding the forests the species needed to survive

DNA evidence is putting rhino poachers behind bars, study shows

09 Jan 2018

New study reveals strong El Niño events cause large changes in Antarctic ice shelves

New study reveals strong El Niño events cause large changes in Antarctic ice shelves

09 Jan 2018

A new studyreveals that strong El Nino events can cause significant ice loss in some Antarctic ice shelves while the opposite may occur during strong La Nina events

Less chewing the cud, more greening the fuel

08 Jan 2018

East Coast storm settles, but cold to continue through weekend

06 Jan 2018

Oceans running out of oxygen; could cause global suffering

Oceans running out of oxygen; could cause global suffering

06 Jan 2018

The ocean is rapidly running out of oxygen, and the depletion could choke to death much of the marine life in the waters.

CFC ban shows positive effect on ozone layer: NASA study

CFC ban shows positive effect on ozone layer: NASA study

06 Jan 2018

The hole in the ozone layer is gradually decreasing due to less of ozone-destroying chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) being released into the atmosphere, according to research by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

China's imports of millions of tonnes of plastic waste causes rubbish build up recycling plants in UK

04 Jan 2018

Researchers discover higher environmental impact from cookstove emissions

04 Jan 2018

Storm Elenor hits power supply in UK with winds of up to 80mph

03 Jan 2018

Study predicts a drier world with 2ºC rise in temperatures

03 Jan 2018

Scientists warn of massive earthquakes in 2018

03 Jan 2018

Study predicts mini Ice Age lasting 30 years to start in few years

Study predicts mini Ice Age lasting 30 years to start in few years

02 Jan 2018

Researchers claim that the rapidly decreasing magnetic waves for three solar cycles starting 2021 for 33 years could set off a mini ice age

Droughts and ecosystems are determined by the interaction of two climate phenomena

01 Jan 2018

University of Washington to deploy robotic sensors under Antarctic ice to find clues to future sea-level rise

30 Dec 2017

Even ‘safe’ levels of PM2.5 pollution can lead to early death: study

28 Dec 2017

Studies in US, India link PM2.5 pollution with unhealthy babies

Studies in US, India link PM2.5 pollution with unhealthy babies

28 Dec 2017

Two separate studies published this week – one in the US and one in India – have found that high levels of PM2.5 can lead to birth defects like cleft lip and abnormal heart or low birth weight

Cleaner air, longer lives

26 Dec 2017

Medium-sized carnivores most at risk from environmental change

Medium-sized carnivores most at risk from environmental change

23 Dec 2017

In a surprise ecological finding, researchers discover medium-sized carnivores spend the most time looking for food, making them vulnerable to change

Migration of asylum seekers to Europe to grow with rising temperatures: study

22 Dec 2017

Anti-smog gun: Delhi’s latest move to shoot down killer pollution

Anti-smog gun: Delhi’s latest move to shoot down killer pollution

20 Dec 2017

In its latest effort to combat dense smog that shrouds Delhi every winter, the Aam Admi Party government today begin day-long gun trials of an anti-smog gun

Business History Videos

History of hovercraft Part 3...

Today I shall talk a bit more about the military plans for ...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of hovercraft Part 2...

In this episode of our history of hovercraft, we shall exam...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Hovercraft Part 1...

If you’ve been a James Bond movie fan, you may recall seein...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Trams in India | ...

The video I am presenting to you is based on a script writt...

By Aniket Gupta | Presenter: Sheetal Gaikwad

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