
Earth already in red this year in natural resources budget

Earth already in red this year in natural resources budget

08 Aug 2016

The world reached "Earth overshoot day" today, the point in the year when humans have exhausted annual supplies such as land, trees and fish, and outstripped Earth's capacity to absorb greenhouse gases

Buried oxygen rose to the occasion as Earth’s early atmosphere formed

Buried oxygen rose to the occasion as Earth’s early atmosphere formed

06 Aug 2016

This is the first time anyone has shown that the relative amount of oxygen deep in the Earth influences the minerals that rocks are made of and how it changes their densities

Air pollution hurts lung cancer patients most: study

06 Aug 2016

Kaziranga’s wildlife suffer most as floods hit 2 million people in Assam

02 Aug 2016

Teasing out the microbiome of the Kansas prairie

30 Jul 2016

CO2 can be stored underground for 10 times the length needed to avoid climatic impact

29 Jul 2016

Construction of first US offshore wind farm enters final phase

26 Jul 2016

10,000 homes evacuated in Southern California as wild fire rages

26 Jul 2016

Scientists unlock 'green' energy from garden grass

25 Jul 2016

UP to challenge NGT order banning old diesel vehicles

23 Jul 2016

Centre may challenge NGT ban on old diesel vehicles

23 Jul 2016

Enbridge to spend $177-mn to settle claims of 2010 oil spills in Michigan, Illinois

21 Jul 2016

Scottish courts overrule consent to four offshore wind farms

20 Jul 2016

Government notifies norms for retrofitting of hybrid electric kits in old cars

19 Jul 2016

A giant quake may lurk under Bangladesh and beyond

A giant quake may lurk under Bangladesh and beyond

19 Jul 2016

Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory scientists say they have new evidence of increasing strain beneath Bangladesh, where two tectonic plates underlie the world’s largest river delta

NGT orders diesel vehicles 10 years and older out of New Delhi's roads

NGT orders diesel vehicles 10 years and older out of New Delhi's roads

18 Jul 2016

The National Green Tribunal, India's apex environmental court, has ordered authorities in the national capital Delhi to remove all diesel vehicles that are 10 years and older out of the city's streets

Biodiversity falls below ‘safe levels’ globally

18 Jul 2016

UK government scraps department for climate change action

16 Jul 2016

New tool calculates emissions impacts, energy benefits from smart grid investments

16 Jul 2016

US drones to bombard ferrets with vaccine-laced M&Ms

15 Jul 2016

Obama administration unveils rules for drilling in Arctic

08 Jul 2016

Facebook to pilot test offline videos from 11 July

Facebook to pilot test offline videos from 11 July

08 Jul 2016

In an attempt to beat the problems associated with poor or expensive mobile internet access, Facebook will start testing a new video download feature in India

India to be key driver in global green bonds market

India to be key driver in global green bonds market

05 Jul 2016

Bond buyers are eager to capitalise on climate-related initiatives, and an increase in sales from Indian issuers could also help spur the dollar-bond market as a whole, says Bloomberg

Environmental toxins affect brain development

02 Jul 2016

Scientists observe first signs of healing in the Antarctic ozone layer

Scientists observe first signs of healing in the Antarctic ozone layer

02 Jul 2016

Researchers have found that the September ozone hole has shrunk by more than 4 million square kilometers — about half the area of the contiguous United States — since 2000, when ozone depletion was at its peak

Business History Videos

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Today I shall talk a bit more about the military plans for ...

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History of hovercraft Part 2...

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History of Hovercraft Part 1...

If you’ve been a James Bond movie fan, you may recall seein...

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