
Mallya says he is on track for Rs800-cr Kingfisher loan

25 Feb 2012

Banks can manage airline risks, says RBI’s Chakrabarty

24 Feb 2012

UK pilots’ union warns MPs of risks from EU flying rules

23 Feb 2012

Kingfisher bailout still uncertain

23 Feb 2012

Government allows airlines to import jet fuel directly

22 Feb 2012

No cash bailout for Kingfisher just yet

22 Feb 2012

Reports that the airline’s lenders have agreed to pump in more cash seem premature; but it is likely that the fast-sinking Kingfisher Air will get some sort of bailout soon

Airlines want cash to carry stranded Kingfisher passengers

22 Feb 2012

Sanjay Aggarwal, chief executive of Kingfisher, said after a meeting with aviation officials that flight cancellations would continue to occur for at least five to seven more days before operations are back to normal

Kingfisher to provide revised flight schedule by tomorrow

21 Feb 2012

Kingfisher Airlines has been given time till tomorrow by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation to revise its flight schedule

Kingfisher denies services hit by financial difficulties

20 Feb 2012

Government weighing bailout package for all domestic airlines

18 Feb 2012

The government has asked all Indian scheduled airlines to submit details of their financial position, debt and working capital requirements so that a bailout plan could be worked out

Virgin Atlantic urges regulator to stop BMI-British Airways merger

18 Feb 2012

Mallya, UB must return Rs100 crore to Kingfisher: SBI

18 Feb 2012

Kingfisher cancels Kolkata flights, may leave city for good

18 Feb 2012

Air India likely to get fresh cash infusion from banks

18 Feb 2012

Air India loses its exclusive rights in bilateral air agreements

15 Feb 2012

Jet Air seeks government aid for more loans, fuel credit

15 Feb 2012

Robbing the poor to coddle the rich

14 Feb 2012

The recommendation by the group of ministers to allow direct import of fuel by airlines is yet another inglorious chapter in the long saga of crony capitalism in this country. And once again, most of us have been fooled into accepting that it is indeed the right thing to do. By Vivek Sharma

Qantas grounds A380 passenger jets following detection of cracks in wing parts

08 Feb 2012

RIL in talks with airlines over fuel import logistics

08 Feb 2012

SpiceJet auditors raise doubts over carrier’s financial viability

07 Feb 2012

China bans airlines from joining EU’s Emmissions Trading Scheme

06 Feb 2012

India and other countries to meet in Moscow to decide on EU carbon tax move

04 Feb 2012

India, Russia, the US, China and other countries are to meet in Moscow later this month to decide on whether to introduce retaliatory measures against the European Union on its ‘unilateral’ decision to impose carbon tax on air travel

Fuel sellers resume supplies to Air India after part-payment

03 Feb 2012

India-born Canadian says he paid Praful Patel $250,000 bribe

03 Feb 2012

Lufthansa to sell no-frills brand Bmibaby to unnamed UK-based firm

02 Feb 2012