
Pak protesters shut down national TV; near PM Sharif’s house

01 Sep 2014

On Monday, despite heavy rain, crowds of protesters fought running battles with retreating police after breaking the main gate of the Pakistan Secretariat area which houses government ministries

Turner offers buyout option to 600 senior employees

27 Aug 2014

Syrian militants free journalist as hunt for ‘jihadi John’ intensifies

25 Aug 2014

Famous monkey ‘selfie’ not copyright, say US authorities

23 Aug 2014

The monkey was not a party to the dispute and no doubt doesn't even have a clue about the storm it has created in the human world

ISIS militants send chilling message to Foley family: 'more will die'

22 Aug 2014

Islamic State demanded $132-mn ransom before beheading Foley

22 Aug 2014

West aghast as Islamic Militants video beheading of US scribe

21 Aug 2014

Health-challenged Assange hopes to escape UK confinement soon

19 Aug 2014

TRAI wants corporates, political parties barred from media business

12 Aug 2014

Copyright storm as Wikipedia refuses to delete monkey ‘selfie’

07 Aug 2014

Wikipedia, the online encyclopaedia, has refused a photographer's request to remove a ‘selfie’ taken by a monkey on the ground that the self-picture was taken by the animal rather than the photographer

Fox abandons Time Warner takeover bid

06 Aug 2014

Rupert Murdoch's 21st Century Fox has abruptly terminated its attempt to acquire for Time Warner Inc

USA Today owner, Gannett agrees to buy out other owners of

05 Aug 2014

Tribune Publishing to start new chapter as standalone company

05 Aug 2014

UK Lords slam EU’s right-to-be-forgotten ruling

31 Jul 2014

A report by a committee of the House of Lords says the EU’s “right to be forgotten” ruling was “unworkable, unreasonable, and wrong in principle”

BskyB offer for Sky Deutschland rejected by major shareholder

30 Jul 2014

Former Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin launches own online channel

28 Jul 2014

BSkyB acquires Fox’s pay-TV assets in Germany and Italy for $9 bn

25 Jul 2014

The sale of the pay-TV assets in Germany and Italy is seen as Murdoch's move to raise money to fund the takeover of Time Warner

Forbes to divest majority stake to Hong Kong investors

19 Jul 2014

Liberty Global acquires 6.4 per cent stake in ITV

17 Jul 2014

Time Warner spurns Murdoch’s $80-bn offer

17 Jul 2014

21st Century Fox, one of the two huge media conglomerates owned by Murdoch, offered to purchase Time Warner for $80 billion

Storm in Rajya Sabha over Indian journalist's meeting with Hafiz Saeed

14 Jul 2014

Google reinstates some links removed under ‘right to be forgotten’ law

07 Jul 2014

Reliance arm completes acquisition of Network18

07 Jul 2014

Children’s TV projecting unhealthy food cues: study

07 Jul 2014

BBC unit loses confidential information related to secret military unit

05 Jul 2014