Oil & gas

Gas output from RIL's D6 block to spurt in April

09 Mar 2011

Cairn-Vedanta deal: Govt to have final say on royalty

09 Mar 2011

Oil ministry says Cairn responsible for delay

07 Mar 2011

US considers selling strategic oil reserves

07 Mar 2011

India, Iran settle mechanism for crude oil payments

05 Mar 2011

Iran asks India to decide on IPI pipeline

05 Mar 2011

Iran has informed India it will not yield any ground on the two sticking points holding up agreement on India’s participation in the proposed Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) gas pipeline project.

China secures massive deliveries of Turkmen gas for the future

04 Mar 2011

China will boost its future annual natural gas purchases from Turkmenistan to 60 billion cubic meters, equivalent to more than half its entire natural gas consumption last year.

BP-RIL deal may usher in fresh oil, gas investments

04 Mar 2011

Indian oil producers, refiners to gain from unrest in Mid East, Africa

04 Mar 2011

India clears over $2 billion of oil dues to Iran

03 Mar 2011

Government defers ONGC follow-on share sale to next fiscal

03 Mar 2011

Government needs to take a call between subsidy and fuel price hike: Basu

03 Mar 2011

Petrol prices may be raised, with no budgetary relief in duties

01 Mar 2011

ONGC reports 3 oil and gas finds in Cambay and KG basin

28 Feb 2011

Unrest won’t put skids on oil supply: Qatar

28 Feb 2011

Quashing fears of supply disruption from Libya, where revolt against President Gaddafi has virtually halted exports, Qatar energy minister Mohammed Saleh al-Sada says that OPEC and non-OPEC oil producers have plenty of oil available and there was no reason for nervousness in the market

Crude prices dip as Saudi opens taps

25 Feb 2011

OPEC secretary general Abdalla Salem-El-Badri feels the oil spike is more technical in nature than market related

Sinopec to buy LNG for 20 years from ConocoPhillips, Origin Energy

25 Feb 2011

Crude nears $120 a barrel as Libya crisis deepens

24 Feb 2011

The market is now looking to Saudi Arabia, which may be willing and is capable of supplying quality oil

Assam Company to enter oil exploration in Columbia

24 Feb 2011

Enterprise Products Partners offers to buy Duncan Energy for $2.41 billion

24 Feb 2011

Oil prices rise higher on Libyan supply concerns

23 Feb 2011

Centrica signs £2-bn gas deal with Qatar to secure LNG for the UK

23 Feb 2011

BP to shed UK upstream assets

23 Feb 2011

US oil refiners Holly Corp and Frontier Oil in $7 billion merger

22 Feb 2011

RIL says Niko can raise KG block stake to 13 per cent

22 Feb 2011