Oil & gas

Indian refiners sitting on a Rs16,000-crore inventory pile: Crisil

10 Feb 2015

Banker Aldemire Bendine takes over as new Petrobras chief

09 Feb 2015

The appointment of Bendine, 51, who was the chief executive of state-owned Banco de Brasil, comes after the mass exit of Petrobras’s top management, including its CEO Maria das Gracas Silva Foster, last week following a multi-billion dollar corruption scandal

GAIL Q3 net profit drops 64% to Rs604 cr as gas prices plummet

07 Feb 2015

Workers at two BP plants in Midwest to join biggest strike at us refineries since 1980

07 Feb 2015

Fragile oil prices bolster India’s budget

05 Feb 2015

Oil retailers’ shares slump after cut in fuel prices

04 Feb 2015

Govt to ease subsidy burden on ONGC, OIL, GAIL

04 Feb 2015

BP writes down value of KG-D6 stake over pricing issues

04 Feb 2015

British explorer BP Plc has written down the value of its investment in the eastern offshore Krishna-Godavari D6 block by $790 million, besides another $830 million in impairment charges, following lower-than-expected gas price hike

Petrol price cut by Rs2.42 a litre; diesel cheaper by 2.25 per litre

03 Feb 2015

Govt may do away with LPG subsidy for high-income groups

03 Feb 2015

The government is considering doing away with the LPG subsidy for consumers in the top income bracket

Shell to end North Sea oil production

03 Feb 2015

Removing redundant platforms and pipelines, and plugging spent oil wells in the North Sea will be one of the most challenging decommissioning projects in the world

Eight major projects came online last year: Exxon Mobil

03 Feb 2015

Videocon announces high-grade oil find in field off Brazil

03 Feb 2015

Aviation fuel price slashed over 11 per cent, to cost less than diesel

02 Feb 2015

The reduction in ATF price to Rs46.51 per litre, which has now become 10 per cent cheaper compared to diesel, brings some relief to airlines struggling with high operating costs

ConocoPhilips Alaska slowing pace of investment on the Greater Mooses Tooth 1 project

31 Jan 2015

Shell announces $15-bn spending cuts as low oil prices bite

30 Jan 2015

The company said that it would defer spending in many areas, exit selective growth positions, and drive costs down in the supply chain

Oil could hit $200 a barrel if investments drop, says Opec’s El-Badri

27 Jan 2015

His comments pushed up the price of Brent crude for March 0.3 per cent to $48.95 a barrel on London’s ICE Futures while US benchmark WTI climbed as much as 2.7 per cent

An oil price rebound? Not so fast

27 Jan 2015

The real reason for the oil price collapse is probably that the market has now realised that prices were previously propped up on premises that are less valid now. When majority of the market participants accepted that, prices had only one way to go — down. By Shivshanker Verma

Obama visit fallout? India tells refiners to cut Iran oil imports

22 Jan 2015

Govt-RIL dispute over Panna-Mukta ‘tax evasion’ intensifies

22 Jan 2015

The government alleges that RIL is guilty of furnishing financial statements different from audited accounts, which is tantamount to massive tax evasion

Oilfield service providers Baker Huges, Halliburton to cut thousands of jobs

21 Jan 2015

Shell affiliates in US pay $900,000 to EPA to settle violations of vehicle fuel standards

21 Jan 2015

BHP Billiton cuts oil and gas spending as oil prices plunge

21 Jan 2015

The company said it would cut oil exploration by 20 per cent to $600 million in 2015

K-G gas pricing case: SC gives RIL 6 weeks to respond

17 Jan 2015

BP faces up to $13.7 bn civil penalty over 2010 Gulf of Mexico spill

16 Jan 2015