Budget supports foreign investment: RBI

28 Feb 2013

RBI prescribes holding co for new private banks; sets 49% FDI cap

22 Feb 2013

RBI guidelines for setting up of new private sector banks fixes the initial minimum paid-up capital at Rs500 crore, but does not bar any entities from setting up a bank

RBI warns of record current account deficit

11 Feb 2013

The country needed more foreign investment in assets such as plants and equipment rather than volatile flows into its equity and debt markets, governor D Subbarao said

RBI: Rs2,481 cr lying idle in unused bank accounts

11 Feb 2013

RBI to issue new bank licensing norms "very soon"

08 Feb 2013

The finance ministry is in favour of granting bank licences to realty and broking firms even as the IMF had warned the Indian authorities over allowing business houses into the banking sector

RBI weighs further curbs on gold imports

06 Feb 2013

RBI to base rate cut decisions to factor in current account position

30 Jan 2013

RBI cheers market with 0.25% cut in policy rates

29 Jan 2013

In its third quarter monetary policy review, the central bank shed its 9-month-long tight monetary policy, cutting its key interest rates by 25 basis points

RBI hikes cap on FII funds in government, corporate bonds

24 Jan 2013

RBI opens $6.5-bn swap facility for banks to boost export credit

15 Jan 2013

Urjit Patel takes over as RBI deputy governor

14 Jan 2013

Financial stability a more desirable goal than quantitative easing: Subbarao

03 Jan 2013

Subbarao also said the central bank alone cannot solve all problems, and called for better fiscal policies to inspire trust and confidence in investors

RBI working group suggests fiscal measures to curb gold demand

02 Jan 2013

Urjit Patel to replace Subir Gokarn as RBI deputy governor

02 Jan 2013

Patel’s appointment comes a few weeks ahead of RBI’s third quarter monetary policy review, scheduled for 29 January

Subir Gokarn retires as RBI deputy governor

01 Jan 2013

Reports suggest that the names of Kalpana Kochhar, the World Bank's chief economist for South Asia and economist Urjit Patel are being considered for the post

Banking sector asset quality declines as Basel III deadline nears

31 Dec 2012

RBI to prescribe new pricing guidelines for bank products

31 Dec 2012

RBI reschedules date for Basel III implementation

29 Dec 2012

India’s fiscal stability shaky, says RBI

28 Dec 2012

RBI holds policy rates steady; cut likely in January

18 Dec 2012

Though the Reserve Bank has kept key policy rates unchanged despite a drop in inflation rate in November, governor Durruvi Subbarao strongly hinted at easing of rates in the next policy review on 29 January

RBI allows low-cost housing schemes to tap foreign funds

17 Dec 2012

To be eligible for ECB, 60 per cent of the total FSI of the project should be low-cost affordable housing units having maximum carpet area up to 60 sq metres

RBI releases revised draft guidelines for NBFC sector

12 Dec 2012

RBI makes it easier to open bank accounts

11 Dec 2012

RBI sets up supervisory colleges for SBI and ICICI

05 Dec 2012

RBI denies banks’ plea on loans to realtors

29 Nov 2012