Big rate hike coming: RBI ‘desperate’ to halt inflation

18 Jan 2011

RBI tightening supervision to tame surging inflation

17 Jan 2011

Monitor end-use of loans, RBI tells banks

15 Jan 2011

HDFC’s Parekh sees RBI rate hike, but trashes it

14 Jan 2011

RBI gives banks time till 30 June to shift to Base Rate system

06 Jan 2011

RBI tightens ATM guidelines to prevent fraud

06 Jan 2011

De La Rue excluded from India’s currency paper contract

06 Jan 2011

The Reserve Bank of India may have cut out its principal supplier of currency paper from a large tender after encountering quality issues.

RBI modifies guidelines for core investment companies

05 Jan 2011

RBI moves to check raising of surrogate funds by NBFCs

01 Jan 2011

Oil payments: Indo-Iran talks deadlocked

01 Jan 2011

Indian and Iranian central bank officials will meet again on Monday to resolve a deadlock over payments for oil imports after the RBI stopped Indian banks from using the ACU mechanism to clear trade payments.

RBI revises guidelines on OTC forex derivatives and hedging of commodity price and forex risks

29 Dec 2010

RBI sets 80 per cent cap on all housing loans above Rs20 lakh

23 Dec 2010

The risk weight for residential housing loans of Rs75 lakh and above has been raised to 125 per cent of the value to prevent excessive speculation.

RBI may ease norms for banks lending to MFIs

23 Dec 2010

Government borrowing seen hurting corporate bond market in India

17 Dec 2010

RBI boosts banks' liquidity; leaves rates unchanged in mid-term review

16 Dec 2010

RBI expects a one percentage point reduction in banks' reserve requirements together with the open market purchase of bonds to inject Rs48,000 crore into the banking system

RBI to inject over Rs30,000 crore to boost liquidity

13 Dec 2010

Government not spending enough to ease liquidity: RBI

09 Dec 2010

Banks today sought to borrow over Rs83,500 crore from the RBI over and above the Rs1,27,000 crore they borrowed from it under the liquidity adjustment facility while the government is maintaining a cash balance of Rs92,000 crore.

Andhra MFIs prepare for RBI delegation’s visit

07 Dec 2010

RBI wants banks to raise deposit rates, reduce operating costs

03 Dec 2010

RBI offers additional liquidity support for banks

29 Nov 2010

RBI launches second quarterly business outlook survey

24 Nov 2010

For-profit MFIs are leveraged money lenders: Y V Reddy

23 Nov 2010

National Payments Corporation launches inter-bank payments through mobile phones

23 Nov 2010

RBI asks banks to disclose information on loan processing charges to borrowers

13 Nov 2010

SBI won't end 'teaser rates' despite RBI's disapproval

12 Nov 2010

SBI chairman O P Bhatt has ruled out banks collectively deciding to end teaser-rate promotion offers