Contenders for top WTO post seek India's support at Davos

24 Jan 2013

EU asks $12 bn in sanctions against US on Boeing subsidy case

28 Sep 2012

The EU request is the largest penalty ever called for in WTO's history and has been triggered by the US government’s failure to adhere to the WTO’s March verdict to halt all illegal subsidies to Boeing

Australia may be hit with the third WTO suit over tobacco packaging

15 Jun 2012

The Australian government says the action is designed to try to intimidate it to relent in its efforts to protect public health

India to move WTO against `discriminatory’ US visa fee hike

21 May 2012

India tells WTO it will further open market for LDCs

23 Apr 2012

India moves WTO against US steel duties

12 Apr 2012

India moves WTO against US visa curbs on Indian IT firms

10 Apr 2012

US to turn heat on China over rare earths exports

13 Mar 2012

Plurilateral trade deals undermine Doha Round prospects: IBSA

28 Jan 2012

Russia gains WTO membership

17 Dec 2011

Russia is the last major world economy to join the WTO and its membership would see over 97 per cent of all world trade take place among member countries

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