Cook county to repeal soda tax next week

07 Oct 2017


Cook County Commissioner Sean Morrison has said a vote to repeal the soda tax in the finance committee was due on 10 October.

According to Morrison's office there were enough commissioners who had signed on to repeal the soda tax to withstand a veto from Cook County Board president Toni Preckwinkle.

In case the repeal was passed and signed, it would come into effect on 1 December, which is the beginning of Cook County's fiscal year. The measure has run into resistance from both business owners and consumers ever since it went into effect.

Commissioner Morrison said he decided to do something about the tax after receiving complaints from people.

"It's not a tax that's distributed amongst all residents in the county, it's a very segmented tax, and a tax like that puts a tremendous burden on the families of Cook County," Morrison told WGN TV.

The Illinois Retail Merchants Association is among those fighting the tax since it was first proposed a year ago, saying it is a burden on local businesses.

According to Morrisson the tax would be repealed effective 1 December, the start of the county's new fiscal year.

Cook County Board president Toni Preckwinkle had cast the deciding vote in favour the tax, arguing it would make residents healthier and raise enough money to balance the county's budget.

She said without revenue from the tax, the county will have to cut down heavily on health and public safety.

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