Now you can book your LPG cylinder from IOC, BPCL via SMS

31 Aug 2009


Consumers of domestic cooking gas (LPG) in the country can now book refills by sending an SMS on IOC's SMS booking number.

Minister of petroleum and natural gas Murli Deora launched the facility - part of a marketing initiative by three government-controlled refiners - in New Delhi today
The minister also unveiled the integrated voice response system(IVRS) mechanism of HPCL.

Those who use the SMS facility for booking LPG will not only get an acknowledgement but also get information about cylinder delivery.

The facility will initially be available in Delhi and would be expanded in a phased manner to cover all towns of the country having population of over 5 lakh.
Minister of state for petroleum and natural gas Jitin Prasada dialed the unified six digit toll-free number of all the three OMCs to mark inauguration of the new number for registering complaints towards effective grievance redressal.

The six digit number '155233' replaces the earlier separate eleven digit numbers of the three companies, making it easier for customers to remember and make use of the facility in a more meaningful way.

The new marketing initiative is part of `Vision 2015' finalised about two months ago, the minister said, adding, the thrust of these initiatives was to pan out the outreach of services and products to common man, especially in the rural areas.

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