Roamware launches next generation SIM Box DetectorT

09 Jul 2009


Empowers Operators with Round the Clock Protection Against SIM Box Fraud and Automatic Deactivation of SIM Boxes

Mobile roaming solutions and software provider Roamware Inc today announced the launch of SIM Box DetectorT, a next generation fraud detection solution.

SIM Boxes, or GSM Gateways, were designed originally, for a variety of legal applications but fraudsters quickly hit on their potential to terminate international inbound calls and intercept revenue rightly due to network operators.

Fraudulent SIM Boxes are also responsible for a range of service issues including call set up delays, poor voice quality, network congestions and spectrum management issues. SIM Box fraud can potentially result in Roaming revenue losses of between five and seven percent for network operators.

Bobby Srinivasan, President and CEO of Roamware said: "SIM Box fraud costs the telecom operator community hundreds of millions of dollars in lost termination revenues every year. With SIM Box DetectorT for the first time, operators can now not just detect SIM Box fraud, but on the fly eliminate fraudulent SIM Boxes round the clock."

Traditional SIM Box fraud identification solutions based on testing through probe based calls across different countries using real SIM's entails severe limitations. SIM Box DetectorT is a non-intrusive solution installed in the core network, offering global reach with no limitations on footprint unlike probe based solutions. It utilises a virtual range of SIM's reducing risk of manipulation by fraudsters.

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