IT news

Russian scientists raise alarm over Stuxnet damage at Iran's Bushehr N plant

17 Jan 2011

US government to challenge Google's ITA Software takeover

US government to challenge Google's ITA Software takeover

14 Jan 2011

Federal antitrust lawyers are examining whether the acquisition of ITA would give Google too much hold over the online travel industry

Salary hikes in IT sector to be below techie expectations

14 Jan 2011

McAfee launches enterprise mobility software version 9.5 in India

13 Jan 2011

PC sales growth in fourth quarter hit by tablets surge: Gartner

13 Jan 2011

Facebook flies high; MySpace cuts staff by around half

12 Jan 2011

Capgemini elevates three Indian executives to global positions

12 Jan 2011

Create jobs in US, business leader tells IT firms

11 Jan 2011

iGate makes open offer for 20.6 per cent stake in Patni Computers

iGate makes open offer for 20.6 per cent stake in Patni Computers

11 Jan 2011

US-based iGate, which on Monday struck a deal to acquire Patni Computer Systems, today made an open offer for a 20.6-per cent stake in the company

iGate pays $1.22 billion for 63 per cent Patni stake

iGate pays $1.22 billion for 63 per cent Patni stake

10 Jan 2011

iGate, backed by funding from Apax Partners LLP, will pay about $921 million to buy 63 per cent of Patni from the founding family, the Patni brothers

Spam activity fell steeply in Christmas: Symantec

10 Jan 2011

Patni-iGate deal may be announced today

10 Jan 2011

Intel offers concessions to EU to wrap up McAfee deal

08 Jan 2011

Infosys honours six eminent Indian researchers

Infosys honours six eminent Indian researchers

06 Jan 2011

The Infosys Prize carries Rs50 lakh in cash, a citation and a gold medallion.

TCS to set up Global Learning Centre at TechnoCity, Kerala

06 Jan 2011

Microsoft to unveil web connected television at CES: reports

05 Jan 2011

Dell to acquire information-security services firm SecureWorks

05 Jan 2011

Google planning digital newsstand to take on Apple strategy

04 Jan 2011

iGate - Patni deal stalls

03 Jan 2011

New funding from Goldman and Digital Sky values Facebook at $50 billion: report

New funding from Goldman and Digital Sky values Facebook at $50 billion: report

03 Jan 2011

The new valuation makes Palo Alto, California-based Facebook worth more than companies like Yahoo, e-Bay and Time Warner

Sophisticated Android Trojan appears in China

01 Jan 2011

HCL Infosystems to acquire 20 % of Dubai’s Techmart Telecom

30 Dec 2010

SAP ordered to pay interest on $1.3 billion award to Oracle

SAP ordered to pay interest on $1.3 billion award to Oracle

29 Dec 2010

A US federal judge has ordered SAP to pay interest on a $1.3-billion award that Oracle Corp won in a copyright-infringement case

Apple works on future versions of iPad 2

29 Dec 2010

Taxman asks Mahindra Satyam to re-audit accounts for Satyam's fraud years

29 Dec 2010

Business History Videos

History of hovercraft Part 3...

Today I shall talk a bit more about the military plans for ...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of hovercraft Part 2...

In this episode of our history of hovercraft, we shall exam...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Hovercraft Part 1...

If you’ve been a James Bond movie fan, you may recall seein...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Trams in India | ...

The video I am presenting to you is based on a script writt...

By Aniket Gupta | Presenter: Sheetal Gaikwad

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