Biotech & pharma

Computer model enables design of complex DNA shapes

Computer model enables design of complex DNA shapes

By Anne Trafton | MIT News Office | 04 Dec 2014

MIT biological engineers have created a new computer model that allows them to design the most complex three-dimensional DNA shapes ever produced

New insight into cells could lead to better drugs

03 Dec 2014

‘Tissue chip’ to screen neurological toxins

29 Nov 2014

Researchers identify new ways to drain cancer’s ‘fuel tank’

29 Nov 2014

Biochemists build largest synthetic molecular ‘cage’ ever

Biochemists build largest synthetic molecular ‘cage’ ever

27 Nov 2014

New nanoscale protein container could lead to synthetic vaccines and offer a way to deliver medicine inside of human cells

UK researchers turn to crowdfunding to research cancers linked to EBV

26 Nov 2014

Molecule fights cancer on two fronts

24 Nov 2014

Second protein associated with common cause of kidney failure identified

19 Nov 2014

New insight into common cause of blindness

New insight into common cause of blindness

18 Nov 2014

Diet for your DNA

17 Nov 2014

DNA sequencing helps identify genetic defects in glaucoma

15 Nov 2014

The brain’s “inner GPS” gets dismantled

13 Nov 2014

Cause of organ damage after heart attack and stroke found

Cause of organ damage after heart attack and stroke found

12 Nov 2014

Getting to the heart of the heart

Getting to the heart of the heart

11 Nov 2014

Researchers uncover more detail of the molecular triggers behind asthma attacks

Researchers uncover more detail of the molecular triggers behind asthma attacks

10 Nov 2014

Environmental carcinogens leave distinctive genetic imprints in tumours

08 Nov 2014

Making lab-grown tissues stronger

07 Nov 2014

Artificial cell with multiple compartments could improve drug delivery

06 Nov 2014

Scientists propose benchmark for better replication of natural stem cell development in the lab

Scientists propose benchmark for better replication of natural stem cell development in the lab

05 Nov 2014

Researchers have developed a standard to assess how closely stem cell culture conditions in the lab resemble a developing embryo

Growing cartilage from stem cells

04 Nov 2014

Molecular map reveals genetic origins of 21 autoimmune diseases

01 Nov 2014

What makes a tumour switch from dormant to malignant?

31 Oct 2014

Bipolar disorder discovery at the nano level

29 Oct 2014

Swedish doctors find new way to replicate blood vessels

27 Oct 2014

Fast modelling of cancer mutations

By By Anne Trafton | MIT News Office | 25 Oct 2014

Business History Videos

History of hovercraft Part 3...

Today I shall talk a bit more about the military plans for ...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of hovercraft Part 2...

In this episode of our history of hovercraft, we shall exam...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Hovercraft Part 1...

If you’ve been a James Bond movie fan, you may recall seein...

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History of Trams in India | ...

The video I am presenting to you is based on a script writt...

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