Biotech & pharma

CSIR lab gets nod for Phase-I clinical trials of clot-buster biotherapeutic drug

17 Aug 2012

New nanoparticles shrink tumours in mice

New nanoparticles shrink tumours in mice

By By Anne Trafton, News Office | 17 Aug 2012

Particles that shut off cancer genes could also allow researchers to screen potential drug targets more rapidly

Simple mathematical computations underlie brain circuits

Simple mathematical computations underlie brain circuits

By By Anne Trafton, MIT News Office | 09 Aug 2012

Discovery of how some neurons inhibit others could shed light on autism, other neurological disorders. By Anne Trafton, MIT News Office

Protein that boosts longevity may protect against diabetes

Protein that boosts longevity may protect against diabetes

By By Anne Trafton, MIT News Office | 08 Aug 2012

New research has identified a protein that slows ageing in mice and other animals, also protects against the ravages of a high-fat diet, including diabetes, according to a new MIT study

New study finds link between cell division and growth rate

By By Anne Trafton, MIT News Office | 07 Aug 2012

Research identifies promising new therapeutic target for aggressive breast cancer

06 Aug 2012

It's in our genes: why women outlive men

06 Aug 2012

Researchers build a toolbox for synthetic biology

03 Aug 2012

Mayo Clinic completes first genome-wide analysis of peripheral T-cell lymphomas

02 Aug 2012

A flash of light changes cell activity — and understanding of disease

By By Bill Hathway | 31 Jul 2012

New melanoma driver genes found in largest DNA sequencing study to date

By By Helen Dodson | 31 Jul 2012

New proteins inhibit HIV infection in cell cultures

By By Helen Dodson | 30 Jul 2012

New recruits in the fight against disease

28 Jul 2012

Team discovers how western corn rootworm resists crop rotation

28 Jul 2012

Newfound gene may help bacteria survive in extreme environments

26 Jul 2012

Researchers first to determine entire genetic sequence of individual human sperm

By By Krista Conger | 25 Jul 2012

Tissue structure delays cancer development, reveals computer model

25 Jul 2012

Stanford researchers produce first complete computer model of an organism

By By Max McClure | 24 Jul 2012

Mystery peeled off banana genome

By By Daniel Stolte | 23 Jul 2012

Research opens avenues in combating neurodegenerative diseases

21 Jul 2012

Large, medically important class of proteins starts to yield its secrets

16 Jul 2012

Staying on Target: New Strategy Advances Stem Cell Culture Techniques

12 Jul 2012

Researchers find gold nanoparticles capable of ‘unzipping’ DNA

11 Jul 2012

Searching genomic data faster

11 Jul 2012

Amniotic fluid yields alternatives to embryonic stem cells

09 Jul 2012

Business History Videos

History of hovercraft Part 3...

Today I shall talk a bit more about the military plans for ...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of hovercraft Part 2...

In this episode of our history of hovercraft, we shall exam...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Hovercraft Part 1...

If you’ve been a James Bond movie fan, you may recall seein...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Trams in India | ...

The video I am presenting to you is based on a script writt...

By Aniket Gupta | Presenter: Sheetal Gaikwad

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